Retail insights: The Rise of the Pop-up Shop


Not just a recent fad, the pop-up store phenomenon has existed for over a decade. Originally used as a means for niche brands - or the likes of local artists and creatives - to create a more holistic shopping experience for their products. The concept of having a temporary storefront has evolved as increasing amounts of companies have seen value in building them - and their brands at the same time. 

Have a look

Colourfast has kindly provided us with this informative graphic about the most essential things you need to know about pop-up stores. As we are a visual company we love the way information is processed here. 

Are you interested in (pop-up) store planning and design? Our product MockShop is the smart solution to smoothen those retail processes. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. 

The Rise of the Pop Up Store-–Infographic.jpg
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